Project ‘The Swimmer’

Since being a mum, I’ve started making time to write again, and ‘The Swimmer’ is a short film that I wrote last year and am now fundraising to make with 2 clever friends, Al Rogers and Marcus English.  This film is a comedy and will resonate with anyone that’s tried to swim on a busy day. It is also an opportunity to celebrate our pools and lidos.

The swimming pool is a place where all walks of life come together to share the same space.  Set in an outdoor pool in summer, our project aims to capture those familiar scenes and characters as we show the beauty, the chaos and the humour of one man’s experiences in his quest for a simple swim.

How can you help?  Well, we need all the support we can get, and have set-up a website so that people can ‘donate the price of a swim’ (£3). There’s a few perks in return for your contribution – do check out the website for more details.

I hope you will support us. Swimming pools are such an important resource, available and used by so many different people, and it would be great to build a community of supporters for this short film.

If you would like to donate, click here.

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